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Dog First Aid tips

By nature, dogs have a tendency to get into trouble - they get cut, hurt and sometimes even break bones. Dogs are impetuous animals and lack the reasoning skills of humans. So you are going to have to help guide your dog and keep him from harms way.
Always keep your dog on a leash when you are walking him outdoors to avoid any accidents which involve automobiles or other dogs. Keeping your dog on a lease prevents nasty bites and cuts as well as practicing to be a good neighbor.
Your own home can have dangers lurking for your dog. The kitchen should be closed off while you are cooking. Imagine how much damage to a dog's face can occur is they reach up to a pot of hot boiling water. Not to mention a dog in the kitchen while cooking could mean you trip over him and spill hot water or worse.
Do you have first aid information readily available should your do get sick or hurt? Let's start with heatstroke. Dogs can quickly become overheated in hot weather. If your dog does get heatstroke do not put him under cold water as this could put him into shock. Slowly lower the dog's body temperature with cool water and ice packs to the back of the neck and head. Also call your Veterinarian for advice.
There are many different types of injuries that can happen to your dog. Just remember to try and remain calm and always have your Veterinarians phone number close by and also the number for the ASPCA could also prove helpful.
Choking is one of the main injuries that dogs can suffer. Because dogs are always biting on things and they use their mouths to play with toys and anything else they find, they can easily choke.
If your dog is choking he may display symptoms of violent head shaking, gagging or even foaming from the mouth. His gums may turn grey or sometimes blue from lack of oxygen. Try to remove the object if you can see it but be careful. The most gentle, loving dog might try and bite you at a time like this when they are scared and in pain. ( by Dog Lovers Source )


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